Final project workshop for the DFG research project WINDegration on 21.03.2025
As part of the DFG-funded research project WINDegration - "Control and management of wind farms for the integration in grids with low inertia under consideration of the interactions between the individual power plants", the Institute of Energy System Technology and Power Mechatronics is organizing a full-day workshop with scientific presentations (in presence) to which we would like to invite you.
Date: Friday, March 21, 2025
Time: 09:00 to 16:30 Uhr
Location: Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
The workshop is aimed at researchers, industry representatives and others who are interested in the field of wind energy and grid-building control for the converter-dominated grid of the future. Research results of the WINDegration project on the areas of reserve management of wind energy converters in individual and in wind farm operation, grid-side control structures and requirements in converter-dominated grids as well as the aerodynamic influence of the turbines on each other will be presented. In addition to technical presentations, there will be an opportunity for professional exchange and networking.
Participation in the WINDegration workshop (including catering) is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the form below to register or to send an e-mail to b.spichartz@enesys.rub.de with the subject “Participation WINDegration Workshop”.
We look forward to your participation.
Registration Form